Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Where have you been?

Our 12th year!
Greetings to all who have looked for a while for something fresh at this blog!
Our 12th year starts very well! We have 7 foreign students who work very hard!
We have returning and new students who realize that Sheridan is the place to LEARN and get in to and succeed in a university!!!!!!!

We have Home Depot giving us an "extreme kitchen makeover" in two weeks!

We have Mr. Welker teaching! and we LOVE his attention to detail!
We have a GREAT article in the Statesman paper showing how we work!
We open the doors to education, but our students MUST WALK THROUGH!
They are learning this.
What did you do today to make a difference in your life and the lives of others?
Our students from Vietnam, China, etc., appreciate that we ask them to say, "Yes, Mr. Welker," and "Yes, Mr. Norton" when asked to do a task!
Let's be different than others! (NOT better, different!)
Let's have manners and class.
Let's have couth and grace!
push, push, push...
Sheridan has only 180 days of intsruction each year to get your student ready for success!

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