Friday, January 08, 2010

Cuts in Education

Yes, our economy is tight, but cutting money from schools seems too harsh. Without an educated populace how are we to compete in a global economy? BSU has dissolved its International Studies Program? What are they thinking? Idaho spends ~$7500 per pupil per year (public schools) this puts us near the bottom of 50 states. I agree that money does not equate to a quality education (obviously, look what we do at Sheridan with minimum funds), but there has to be a respect and investment in the education of our youth. Thanks goodness the J. A. & Kathyrn Albertson Foundation has stepped in and provided for some higher education (College of Western Idaho) and an advertising campaign to educate Idahoans that you must have some schooling after high school to earn a decent wage and contribute to this great state.
No, we should not raise taxes- but can we cut reduce funding from other areas and enhance the educaton of youth in Idaho?

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