Monday, June 30, 2008

How quickly they grow...

He came to me for tutoring in the 5th grade- oh how I remember the "little wild one." He wanted to play, chat, distract, redirect- anything but the assignments due tomorrow... His goal was to not do the work...
Fast forward five years... He calls and says, "Do you remember me?" (OHHHHHH!!!! Yes I DO!!). Well, I want to go to Standford University! Ohhhhhkkkkkkkkkkkk.... So we begin the repair/preparation...
To summarize, he is today enjoying the Standford Summer Program for Prospective Students and experience college life!
Many hours have been spent on papers and assigments, but I am so proud of the opportunity that this lad from Idaho has in front of him! An experience at one of the finest learning insitutions on the planet!

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