Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Boise- a supportive community...

Running a non-profit business is tough.
So many people help us provide a quality education for our students!
Our Board of Directors gets things done! Thank you!!!!!
Parent Mary Botts gets a THANK YOU for getting Home Depot to see us as a viable recipient for their "Volunteer Month" and getting our kitchen redone!
Dave Norton and Morgan Stanley Dean Whitter finds us those who contribute to successful non-profit organizations. Thank you!
Kelli Herring supports us! THANK YOU!
The J.A. & Kathryn Albertson Foundation provided us with computers to help our students get ready for technology at the university level. Thank you!
Boise'sBest Real Estate is a supporter of our school! Thank you!
Papa Joe's Pizza helps us! Thank you!
Rendezvous Restaurant helps us! Thank you!
Teachers at our school work not for the $$$
they work to make difference...THANK YOU!

Parent Cyndi D. at HP, THANK YOU!

Can your company help us best prepare Idaho youth for success? We are a non-profit organization...

We have a a short time to make our students go-getters in this world- people who make CHANGE.
Please contribute!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 11 very successful years and even more success this year.

Greg Norton said...

you helped us SO much! thank you, LW

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 11 very successful years.....

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