Thursday, September 07, 2006

Sheridan Academy: Cultivating a Work Ethic

Recently, I read a survey of business owners and their attitudes about hiring recent high school graduates. Their #1 complaint?? Not that the new worker couldn't do the job, not that they couldn't train the new hire, but that the new hire WASN'T THERE.

Punctuality and attendance are cornerstones of Sheridan Academy's program. We EXPECT our students to be there EVERY day and with a professional attitude, ready to work. WE ARE ONLY IN CLASS 180 DAYS A YEAR! LESS THAN 1/2 A YEAR ARE OUR STUDENTS IN CLASS! SHOW ME A JOB WITH OVER 1/2 A YEAR OFF!

Alas, it concerns me that teens show up late, half-asleep, with no will to perform. Are these the same students we're sending to universities and into the workplace?
Our students write, "Early is on time. On time is late. Late is unacceptable." Public schools don't get $$ if the student doesn't show. We get your tuition regardless. Yet we cannot issue credits if you miss more than 9 classes a semester.

PS: Your future employer will not be givng you any paychecks if you are continuously late! Learn NOW to be on time and ready to work for every shift. You'll get the raise, the "A" grade at college, and the pride knowing that even when you felt lousy, you still did your best work.

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