Thursday, November 29, 2007

Rake Up Boise Bags of Leaves?

30?????? 45????? 60!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How many bags of leaves should one yard have???
For the 12th year, Sheridan students and parents/friends participated in "Rake Up Boise."
About 25 of us descended on homes near the school to rake up leaves.
The first home was a MONSTER, but after 2 hours, SIXTY bags were curbside to be recycled...
Pizza at Papa Joe's after the 3 yards we raked was well deserved!!!
Thanks to all the students and parents who showed up to help with one of our yearly Communty Service projects!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Drop his fishing pole...

Many years ago a group of us camped in October on the Boise River near Baumgartner hot springs- ankle deep in fall leaves with no amenties, it was a perfect spot to relax and catch some trout.
Roger built a campfire, and he and I were soon fly fishing for rainbows a mere 30 feet from our camp.
After we had caught and released about 5 picture-perfect trout, he turned to his wife Patty seated near the campfire (so close our fly lines nearly snagged her) and asked if she was OK.
She said, "Roger, I'm cold."
Roger dropped his fly rod, took two steps up the bank, and in 20 minutes had Patty's feet up on a log, a heavy blanket over her and a horeshoe fire built around her...
I looked back at her and she had a huge smile on her face. Roger made her warm.

I have worked with teens for 18 years. I demand a code of class from all.
GENTLEMEN will provide for their date at all costs-biting trout be damned.
LADIES will seek a suitor who will "drop his fishing pole for her."
Seek the giving man.
Sheridan students are schooled in these graces. Let's hope that the schooling takes hold...

Sunday, November 04, 2007

International students joined us for Tricks and treats walking down Warm Springs Boulevard. About 20 of us dressed and joined the crowd to get candy.
Host families prepped our visitng students very well, and the costumes looked great. I did, however, have to explain that you say, "Trick or Treat!" and that gets you a piece of candy. One confused students asked, "Why are we begging for food?" Lol, she had fun getting snickers and smarties...
"Trick or Treat" was a new celebration for many of our students and they experienced some zombies and were scared silly!
Kudos to the families on Warm Springs who really step up for the Halloween celebrations!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Ty, where were you????

Extreme kitchen make-over!
Today we left the crews from THREE Home Depot Stores at our school to remake our kitchen!
When we returned OUR KITCHEN had been demolished! New microwaves! New counters! new EVERyTHING!
Thanks to Mary Botts, we have an extreme kitchen make over and a great boost for our school!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Boise- a supportive community...

Running a non-profit business is tough.
So many people help us provide a quality education for our students!
Our Board of Directors gets things done! Thank you!!!!!
Parent Mary Botts gets a THANK YOU for getting Home Depot to see us as a viable recipient for their "Volunteer Month" and getting our kitchen redone!
Dave Norton and Morgan Stanley Dean Whitter finds us those who contribute to successful non-profit organizations. Thank you!
Kelli Herring supports us! THANK YOU!
The J.A. & Kathryn Albertson Foundation provided us with computers to help our students get ready for technology at the university level. Thank you!
Boise'sBest Real Estate is a supporter of our school! Thank you!
Papa Joe's Pizza helps us! Thank you!
Rendezvous Restaurant helps us! Thank you!
Teachers at our school work not for the $$$
they work to make difference...THANK YOU!

Parent Cyndi D. at HP, THANK YOU!

Can your company help us best prepare Idaho youth for success? We are a non-profit organization...

We have a a short time to make our students go-getters in this world- people who make CHANGE.
Please contribute!

Host families!

We need host families for foreign students requesting Sheridan Academy as the high school to preparing them for success at a university!
Our foreign students come with excellent English skills, health insurance, and a desire to learn.
Host families recieve a monthly stipend to cover costs of the extra teen!
If you can host a students for 9 or 4 months, please call us!

Where have you been?

Our 12th year!
Greetings to all who have looked for a while for something fresh at this blog!
Our 12th year starts very well! We have 7 foreign students who work very hard!
We have returning and new students who realize that Sheridan is the place to LEARN and get in to and succeed in a university!!!!!!!

We have Home Depot giving us an "extreme kitchen makeover" in two weeks!

We have Mr. Welker teaching! and we LOVE his attention to detail!
We have a GREAT article in the Statesman paper showing how we work!
We open the doors to education, but our students MUST WALK THROUGH!
They are learning this.
What did you do today to make a difference in your life and the lives of others?
Our students from Vietnam, China, etc., appreciate that we ask them to say, "Yes, Mr. Welker," and "Yes, Mr. Norton" when asked to do a task!
Let's be different than others! (NOT better, different!)
Let's have manners and class.
Let's have couth and grace!
push, push, push...
Sheridan has only 180 days of intsruction each year to get your student ready for success!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Open House/BBQ

Please attend our Open House and BBQ Saturday, the 25th of August at 6pm at the school. We have 9 foreign students attending Sheridan and this will be an opportunity to meet all the students, parents, alumni, and host families!


We held our 11th Annual Awards and Graduation Banquet on June 7 at the Owyhee Plaza Hotel in Boise. Each student received a serious and funny award. Five special awards were given to students and they got some $$$. Congratulations to our three seniors who earned their high school diplomas! Rob, Kevin, and Justine are on their way to do great things!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

French Class...

Every year, as a break from "salut" and "ou est la salle de bain?" we listen to "Les Miserables."
And evey year, it amazes me which students get hooked into this wonderful musical performance.
We enjoyed recently the music of this performance, and it was a huge hit with our students.
"Les Mis" is playing in Salt Lake City! Would you please pay for us to go see it????
This wonderful musical teaches across the curriculum-students learn history, compassion, social unrest, RESPECT, hard work, and CHARACTER!
vive la france!

Salut! It has been six year since this post and we have enjoyed Les Miserables every year...
HOWEVER! A new Les Mis movie debuts Christmas day! Please join me at Edwards 22 (on Overland) Thursday, December 27 for a 3pm viewing of the the new Les Miserables!
En guarde, Javert!!!!!

Friday, February 09, 2007

Fiesta Triumph IN BOISE!!!!!!!

(i'm so PROUD of our students!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Nice to see..our program works...

Second semester and changes are evident...
Students now have a confidence, a poise, a faith that they can tackle subjects which daunted them before...
K., C., E!., work on math that was SO far out of reach for them before!
We ask them to go to the white board and show us the concept and they ROCK!
Smiles! PRIDE! a "yes-I-can-do-this" mentality is our goal and it is happening NOW!
Mrs. Sirani, Mrs. Chivers, Dr. Henri, and I beam at the growth we are seeing!

End of Semester and other stuff!

Been busy!
Jesse Jackson was great! BSU sound system (microphone) needs work! had sent us WONDERFUL people to help our students/school/purpose...
Semester Finals!!!! Those who "knew" knew: those who didn't-didn't...
Fair and reasonable tests were adminstered to judge knowledge of subject matter. If you didn't study, why do you deserve a credit for the course enrolled?
I-20!!!!! I-20!!!!! We issued our first I-20 to a 17 year-old girl from Vietnam, who, after looking at many schools, wants to attend SHERIDAN ACADEMY for Spring Semester!
She will be hosted by Mrs. Sirani and get a quality education at our school and a true Western experience! WE HAVE MORE FOREIGN students! We need host families! A monthly stipend is paid! Do you know of someone who can host and English speaking student who wants to benefit from our small school environment?